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04/05/2005 Council Meeting
April 5, 2005
Chairman Loveitt opened the meeting at 7:09 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Chairman Loveitt extended his condolences to the Catholic community on the death of the Pope.
Roll Call:  Present:  Chairman Loveitt; Councilors Hamblen, Robinson, Willett, and Dugas; the Town Manager and the Town Clerk  
Absent:  Councilors Phinney and Justice
Moved by Councilor Willett, seconded by Councilor Dugas and VOTED to approve the Minutes of the March 1, 2005 regular meeting and the March 15, 2005 special meeting.  5 yeas.
Chairman Loveitt introduced the new Town Clerk, Christina Silberman.
There was no public comment.
Councilor Communications
Councilor Willett reported on the Tannery Brook meeting.  She would like to commend Gorham resident, Jeff Varricchione of the Department of Environmental Protection, for his well written
Report.  She urges the councilors to review his report.
Councilor Hamblen encouraged veterans to participate in the Memorial Day parade.  He was upset with the voter turnout for the recent special election regarding renovation at the Shaw school.  He would like to see a change made to require a certain percentage of voter turnout required in order to pass a bond issue.  Councilor Hamblen extended his apologies to Mr. Rines for not having the items he wished to see on tonight’s agenda, Councilor Hamblen would like to add the items to the next meeting.
Councilor Robinson reported that there was a Council Economic Development Capital Improvement Committee meeting on March 21st.  He will report on two issues covered at that meeting as the items come up on tonight’s agenda.
Chairman Loveitt welcomed home the 113th service members.  All of the service families are greatly appreciated.  Chairman Loveitt reported on a meeting regarding the Land Use & Development Code.  They are working to iron out some wrinkles this year.  He has also been participating in the Regional Waste Systems meetings along with Town Manager, David Cole.  He also reported that there was a press conference with Congressman Tom Allen in Gorham recently regarding the bypass.  Congressman Allen has been especially attentive to this issue.  There is now a request in the federal budget for $14,000,000 for this project.  
Town Manager, David Cole welcomed the new Town Clerk.  He reported that he recently awarded a 20-year service pin to Joan Gordon of Baxter Memorial Library and thanked her for her 20 years of service.  Mr. Cole also reported that the proposed budgets have been distributed for the next fiscal year.  Budget workshops are scheduled for April 12th, 14th, and 26th.
Town Clerk, Christina Silberman reported on the Special Municipal Referendum Election held March 8, 2005.  Total voter turnout was 697 voters.  There were 367 yes votes and 330 no votes.
Chairman Loveitt indicated that a change to create a required percentage of voter turnout for an election, as Councilor Hamblen suggested, would require a charter change.  He also recognized the Boy Scouts present at tonight’s meeting.  
The Council recessed into a workshop with the School Committee to hear a presentation by Dr. David Silvermail on the new Essential Programs and Services (EPS) formula for public school funding.
Chairman Loveitt recognized Senator Bill Bartlett and Representatives David Farrington and Chris Barstow.
Old Business
Item #7088      The order, as moved and seconded from the last meeting, that the Town Council refer a request from Adam Mack to swap land with the Town of Gorham to the Finance Committee for their recommendation was voted on.  3 yeas.  2 nays, (Robinson & Loveitt).  Order fails for lack of 4 affirmative votes required per council rules.  
New Business
The meeting recessed for a Public Hearing on renewal of Massage Therapist Licenses for 2005 in the names of Shahida Pamela Keen and Sheila Eileen Glynn.
Chairman Loveitt opened the Public Hearing.  There was no public comment.  Chairman Loveitt closed the Public Hearing.
Item #7098      Moved by Councilor Dugas, seconded by Councilor Willett and ORDERED that the Town Council authorize the renewal of Massage Therapist Licenses for 2005 in the names of Shahida Pamela Keen to do business at Gorham Massage Therapy, 20 Mechanic Street; and Sheila Eileen Glynn to do business at Holistic Pathways, Main Street.  5 yeas.
Item #7099      Moved by Councilor Robinson, seconded by Councilor Willett and ORDERED that the Town Council call a public hearing for May 3, 2005 to accept comment on a proposal to amend the Firearms Ordinance, Section 2, Shotgun Only Zone, which would extend the zone.  5 yeas.
Item #7100      Moved by Councilor Hamblen, seconded by Councilor Dugas and ORDERED to postpone action on this item regarding authorizing the Town to solicit proposals for the purchase and removal of Town owned buildings at 29 New Portland Road until the May meeting. 5 yeas.
Item #7101      The order, as read aloud by the Clerk was moved by Councilor Robinson and seconded by Councilor Dugas.  Moved by Councilor Willett, seconded by Councilor Dugas, and VOTED to amend the proposed order to remove the addition of the speed table on Church Street.  4 yeas. 1 nay (Loveitt)
The order, as amended, was then VOTED on resulting in the following.
ORDERED that the Town Council authorize a three (3) way stop at the intersection of Church and Water Street.  4 yeas. 1 nay (Hamblen)
Item #7102      Moved by Councilor Dugas, seconded by Councilor Robinson and ORDERED that the Town Council approve an Operations Plan for Shaw Park as proposed.  3 yeas. 2 nays (Dugas & Willett)  Order fails for lack of 4 affirmative votes required per council rules.
Item #7103      Moved by councilor Dugas, seconded by Councilor Willett and ORDERED that the Town Council appoint those persons recommended by the Appointments Committee to positions as follows:
Planning Board - Tom Hughes & Michael W. Parker to three-year terms expiring April 1, 2008
Board of Health - Susan Russett-Collett to a three-year term expiring April 1, 2008
Board of Appeals - Joseph Gwozdz & David McCullough to three-year terms expiring April 1, 2008
Board of Trustees Baxter Memorial Library - Chris Barstow, Deborah Loveitt, & Peggy Marchand to three-year terms expiring April 1, 2008
Board of Assessment Review - Clark Neily (Regular Member) & Stephen A. Scontras (Alternate) to three-year terms expiring April 1, 2008
Fair Hearing Board - Philip Shearman to  a three-year term expiring April 1, 2008
Gorham Cable Television Committee – James Lockman & Faith Vail to three-year terms expiring April 1, 2008
Park & Conservation Commission – Lisa Bolduc to a three-year term expiring April 1, 2008
Recycling Committee - John Labrecque & Steven Wiggins to three-year terms expiring April 1, 2008
Recreation Advisory Board – Philip Bartlett & Virginia Wilder Cross to three-year terms expiring April 1, 2008
Gorham Economic Development Corporation - Richard Carter, Jack Donovan, & Daniel G. Willett to three-year terms expiring April 1, 2008
5 yeas.
Item #7104      Moved by Councilor Dugas, seconded by Councilor Willett and ORDERED that the Town Council issue the 2004 Warrant for Prosecuting Unlicensed Dog Owners-Keepers to Wilmont R. Southworth, Jr.  5 yeas
Item #7105      Moved by Councilor Dugas, seconded by Councilor Hamblen and ORDERED that the Town Council go into executive session pursuant to Title 1, M.R.S.A., Section 405(6)(A) to discuss the position of Town Assessor.  5 yeas
Moved by Councilor Dugas, seconded by Councilor Robinson and VOTED to come out of executive session.  5 yeas
Moved by Councilor Dugas, seconded by Councilor Robinson and VOTED to adjourn.  5 yeas.  
Time of adjournment - 9:15 p.m.
A TRUE RECORD OF MEETING                Attest:
                                                                Christina Silberman
                                                                Town Clerk